A Short Guide to Buying a House in Ottawa

It can be an overwhelming and tiresome experience when you want to buy a house in Ottawa. But if you plan it well, you can buy a home that’s perfect for you and your family.

To help you find the right home to buy, here is a quick guide you can follow to take the stress out of the process.

Have a Budget

Your budget determines several things. Your budget determines the kind of house you can afford, your down payment, and any additional cost that pops up.

So, what is your budget? Determine this first.

Shop for Mortgage Options

Before you start shopping for a home to buy, you need to be pre-approved for a mortgage.

Different types of mortgages abound with different options. For instance, if you can’t afford the traditional mortgage down payment of 20 percent, you can go for a high ratio mortgage. This will enable you to make less than 20 percent down payment but it requires mortgage insurance from any of Canada’s three default insurers.

Hire a Real Estate Agent

You need a real estate agent in the home buying process. Your agent will advise you, help you in hunting for the house that meets your need, and help you negotiate the best deal.

In addition, your agent will help you with the paperwork and generally guide you through the whole process. There are many real estate brokerages in Ottawa for you to choose from.

Simulate Living in the House You Have Settled For

When you find a house you like, get to know what it is like to live there. How? By visiting the house and its neighbourhood. Observe traffic, noises, and general activities. Can you live with them?

Another thing you can do is to have a chat with current tenants. Ask them about their experience.

Inspect the House

The smartest thing you can do here is to hire a professional home inspector. The inspector will help you inspect the house you are considering to buy and give you a written report. This will guide you in making a sound decision.

Close the Deal

Before you close the deal, check out the property twice, if not more. This is where you will need the input of your agent. Ask your agent for the price trend in the neighbourhood and why the price is what it is.

If you are satisfied, then close the deal by getting your mortgage approved, taking care of the insurance, conducting title search, and other things required.


Buying a house in Ottawa need not be difficult. If you involve the right professionals and take your time to do things right, you will get the best deal and the perfect house to call your home.