Moving homes can be very exciting, as it often represents a new chapter in your life. Sometimes that new chapter comes with stress, especially when you’re downsizing. A smaller home may be right for you in your new stage of life, but that doesn’t make it easier to cut down your packing list.

Downsizing doesn’t have to mean losing things you want; it can actually be an excellent opportunity to reduce clutter and refresh your home. By getting rid of things that you don’t need, you make more room for something that will make your new house a home.

Here are 3 tips for when you’re downsizing homes:

  1. Make a Plan.

When deciding what to keep and what to get rid of, try going from room to room. This will ensure you’re making the right choices and not last-minute “this doesn’t fit” decisions.

Also, try to start with your bulky items like furniture. By starting with the larger items, you can better understand what smaller items will also fit in your new space. 

A great tip for ensuring your furniture fits in your new home is to take exact measurements of each room and mark them out on the floor so you can mark where the furniture will be placed.

2. Sort. Sort. Sort.

Being organized while packing goes for every move, but especially when you’re downsizing. When sorting your things, make sure you have a system in place to decide what to keep and what to toss.

An effective rule for deciding what items to keep is asking yourself, “have I used this in the last year?” If the answer is no, it’s likely you won’t be needing it at your new home and can throw it away or donate it. Another great rule is to get rid of multiples. In a smaller home, there’s no need for a stock-pile of items.

Stay strict with your “yes” and “no” system. Don’t create a “maybe” pile because, guaranteed, most things will end up in there if the option is available.

3. Preserve Memories.

Always keep the things that mean the most to you, no matter how silly you might feel. That being said, you will still have to make some compromises.

A great way to preserve memories and save space is to digitize all of your photos. Photo albums can take up a lot of space and can be hard to share with the rest of your family; by digitizing your photos, more people can access them.

Other sentimental items can be passed down to your children or other family members for safekeeping.

Downsizing can be an excellent move for you and your family, and it doesn’t mean you have to lose the things that mean most to you. Keep these tips in mind when preparing for your move, and the transition should be smooth.

If you are thinking about making your real estate move this season, you need a strong team on your side. Whether you are looking to buy or sell property in the Greater Ottawa Area, it is critical that you have a real estate agent on your side who understands your needs. Adam Mills and his team have been in business for over ten years and have a proven track record for success. Our team comprises knowledgeable and experienced professionals who are happy to help you navigate the ever-changing Ottawa real estate market. Please contact us at 613-825-7653 or email us at [email protected] for more information or help with your relocation.